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The Sunnah of Gifts Giving in Islam: 5 Ways of Giving Gifts in Islam

The Sunnah of Gifts Giving in Islam: 5 Ways of Giving Gifts in Islam

by Riwaya

    In the beautiful teachings of Islam, generosity and kindness are highly regarded virtues. One way to manifest these virtues is through the act of giving gifts. Giving gifts in Islam is not just a customary practice; it is deeply rooted in the Sunnah (traditions) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him, Abu Hurairah narrated that the prophet (peace be upon him) said:

    “Give each other gifts and you will love each other.”"

    (al-Adab al-Mufrad, 594)

    In this blog post we will explore the Sunnah of gifts giving in Islam, shedding light on five significant ways and principles of giving presents in accordance with the divine islamic teachings.

    5 Ways of Giving Gifts in Islam

    1. Giving with Sincerity (Niyyah): The Foundation of Gift Giving

    Gift-giving in Islam should always begin and be based on pure and sincere intention. The act of giving should be solely for the pleasure of Allah (God) and to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood among believers. Allah (SWT) Said:

    “The believers are but one brotherhood, so make peace between your brothers. And be mindful of Allah so you may be shown mercy."

    (Surah Al-Hujurat, verse 10)

    When your intention is sincere, even a small gift becomes significant in the eyes of Allah. 

    Abu Hurairah narrated that the prophet (peace be upon him) said:

    “Indeed, Allah does not look at your bodies or your appearances, but He looks at your hearts and your deeds."

    (Sahih Muslim)

    Umar bin Khattab also narrated that the prophet (peace be upon him) said:

    “Actions are only judged according to the intentions behind them."

    (Sahih Bukhari and Muslim)

    2. Being impartial when giving gifts

    Islam places a high value on justice, Allah said:

    “God commands justice, doing good, and generosity towards relatives and He forbids what is shameful, blameworthy, and oppressive. He teaches you, so that you may take heed."

    (Surah An-Nahl, verse 90)

    Which also extends to providing gifts. It's crucial to be impartial and not single out one family member over the others while giving gifts to them. 

    This implies that you should offer each person an equal quantity of money or things of equal worth. By giving gifts fairly, you uphold the bonds of kinship and receive rewards from Allah for your righteous deeds.

    3. Surprising Others with Unexpected Gifts

    Surprising someone with an unexpected gift can be a beautiful way to brighten their day. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) often surprised his companions with gifts, fostering love and camaraderie among them. Spontaneous acts of kindness can have a profound impact on the recipient's heart.

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    4. Giving Gifts on Special Occasions

    In Islamic tradition, there are specific occasions when gift-giving is particularly encouraged, such as Ramadan, weddings, and the birth of a child based on the hadith earlier stated. Giving gifts on these special occasions not only strengthens relationships but also spreads joy and happiness within the community.

    5. Charity as a Gift: Sadaqah and Zakat

    Charity is considered one of the most virtuous acts in Islam. Giving to those in need as a gift of charity, known as Sadaqah, is a Sunnah that brings immense rewards. Additionally, Muslims are obligated to give Zakat, a form of almsgiving, which can be seen as a gift to those less fortunate. This include; Zakatul fitr (given at the end of Ramadan) and Zakatul Maal (Financial zakat).

    Adi bin Hatim (may Allah be pleased with him), narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:

    “Guard yourselves against the Fire even if with half a date (in charity)"

    (Bukhari and Muslim)

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    The Sunnah of gifts giving in Islam is a beautiful and meaningful way to express love, gratitude, and brotherhood within the Muslim community. When done with sincerity and thoughtfulness, gift-giving becomes an act of worship that brings people closer to each other and to Allah.

    How to choose the best Islamic gift?

    1. Consideration of Recipient's Preferences

    When choosing the best gift it's crucial to consider the recipient's preferences. This involves understanding their likes, interests, and needs. Tailoring the gift to align with what the recipient enjoys or values shows thoughtfulness and consideration.

    For instance, if the recipient is passionate about reading, gifting them a book on a topic they love can be a meaningful and appreciated gesture. By taking their preferences into account, you ensure that the gift resonates with them on a personal level, making it more special and memorable.

    2. Avoiding Gifts that are Prohibited in Islam

    In Islam, it's essential to adhere to certain guidelines when giving gifts. One of the key considerations is avoiding gifts that are prohibited by Islamic teachings. This includes items such as alcohol, pork, and anything that promotes forbidden practices.

    By steering clear of such gifts, you not only uphold Islamic principles but also ensure that your gesture of giving remains sincere and respectful. Choosing gifts that align with Islamic values demonstrates your commitment to honoring religious beliefs and fostering positivity through gift-giving.

    3. Good Packaging and Presentation

    The presentation of a gift is half its beauty, opting for good packaging and thoughtful presentation adds value to the gift and conveys respect for the recipient. A well-packaged gift reflects the effort and care put into selecting and presenting it.

    Additionally, adding a personal touch to the packaging, such as a handwritten note expressing good wishes or gratitude, enhances the emotional connection and makes the gift more meaningful. By focusing on the packaging and presentation, you ensure that the recipient feels special and appreciated, enhancing the overall gift-giving experience.

    Occasions for Giving Gifts in Islam

    1. Birthdays and Anniversaries

    Birthdays and anniversaries mark significant milestones in a person's life journey. These occasions provide an opportunity to express love, appreciation, and joy through the act of gift-giving. By choosing thoughtful gifts that resonate with the recipient's interests and preferences, we can convey heartfelt sentiments and strengthen our bonds with family and friends.

    2. Weddings and Engagements

    Weddings and engagements are joyous occasions that mark the beginning of a couple's marital journey. Giving gifts to newlyweds symbolizes our support, blessings, and well-wishes for their future together. Thoughtful wedding gifts not only convey our happiness for the couple but also serve as practical aids as they navigate the challenges and joys of married life.

    3. Religious Festivals and Events

    Ramadan and Eid: Sharing Blessings and Joy

    The holy month of Ramadan and the festive celebrations of Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha are times of spiritual renewal, community bonding, and joyful gatherings. 

    Exchanging gifts during these auspicious occasions is a cherished tradition that fosters happiness, unity, and generosity among Muslims worldwide. By sharing blessings through thoughtful gifts, we strengthen our spiritual connections and deepen our sense of gratitude and appreciation.

    Hajj and Umrah: Offering Gifts to Pilgrims

    Hajj and Umrah are profound spiritual journeys undertaken by millions of Muslims each year. Gifting pilgrims who return from these sacred pilgrimages is a gesture of support, appreciation, and solidarity. 

    It reflects our respect for their spiritual dedication and the transformative experiences they have encountered during their pilgrimage. Welcoming them back with gifts demonstrates our understanding of the significance of their journey and our shared commitment to faith and unity.


    Now that you have learned about the Sunnah of gifts giving in Islam, why not put it into practice? At Riwaya Premium Marketplace, we offer a wide range of Islamic gifts and products for both buyers and sellers. Whether you want to purchase a thoughtful gift for a loved one or sell your own Islamic products, Riwaya is the perfect platform for you. 

    Selling at Riwaya

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    Do you also sell digital products? Riwaya offers you the perfect opportunity to sell digital Islamic content to learners seeking Islamic knowledge, learning Arabic, or looking for productivity and Iman-boosting tools. With our platform's downloadable products like e-books and worksheets, you can reach a wider audience and contribute to the personal growth of thousands of Muslim buyers on Riwaya. Get started selling on Riwaya today and boost your business with our amazing tools!


    Q1: What is the significance of gift-giving in Islam?

    Giving presents is a Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), and it's a way to keep and improve connections with the recipients.It is a method of obtaining Allah's (swt) pleasure and is comparable to sadaqa (charity). The prophet (PBUH) said, “give gifts to each other and you will love each other.” 

    Q2: In Islam, are there any presents that are recommended?

    A present should ideally be useful, practical, and something that will benefit the recipient. A common gift during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) was perfume. Anas narrated that the prophet (PBUH) “would never reject perfume if gifted with it”. (Bukhari)

    Q3: What is the Islamic perspective on wedding gifts?

    Giving wedding presents to the bride, groom, or both is a common practice. The presents should be useful, necessary, and able to improve the lives of the newlyweds. 

    Q4: What are some unique Islamic gift ideas?

    Some gift suggestions for Muslims include works of Islamic art and calligraphy, books on Islamic topics, prayer mats, and clothes with Islamic decorations. 

    Q5: Where is the best place to get nikkah gifts?

    Riwaya Premium Marketplace, offers a wide range of wedding gifts for both buyers and sellers. Whether you want to purchase a thoughtful gift for a loved one or sell your own Islamic products, Riwaya is the perfect platform for you. 

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