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Community and Islamic Business

Community and Islamic Business

by Riwaya

    Together let’s reignite the sense of community and helping one another in Islamic businesses

    In an increasing digitalised world, we are becoming aware of the impact of losing the human touch. These concerns were further amplified during the pandemic. Repeated ‘lockdowns’ and being distant from our loved ones have reminded us all of our basic needs as humans to keep in touch. The sense of community lost during this period has been particularly challenging for everyone. Despite the fragmented nature of the post-modern world there seems to be a ground level resistance to this and a desire to create communities. ‘Reaching out’ is fast becoming the is the buzzword of this modern era. Whether we do or do not in practice is another matter but the notion itself has found its way in our everyday vernacular. It seems our basic desire to strive for the common betterment of our societies still exists in some form or other.  Many took to online projects and services such as LinkedIn to network professionally and to keep in touch with like-minded individuals. On a personal level, countless organisations were created to help isolated individuals ‘reach out’ to one and another and retain that sense of belonging.

    Islamically, we are frequently reminded of our communal obligations. from the daily congregational prayers; to fasting and the collective prayer (taraweeh) in Ramadhan. The communal obligation towards the poor via Zakat and lastly Hajj (the Islamic pilgrimage) to the holy city of Makkah. It is especially in the latter that we truly witness this sense of community. Where else does a global similar Muslim unity and brotherhood become more apparent?  The love kindness and compassion for each of the believers is emphasised continuously in the Quran and Sunnah.

    “And hold fast, all together, by the rope which God (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude God’s favour on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus doth God make His Signs clear to you: That ye may be guided” (The Glorious Quran 3:103)

    Post Hijrah, the Messenger (saw) wasted no time in establishing a place of worship – the masjid now known as Masjid Nabawi served more than a place of prayer and reflection but also as a hub for all community events. The Messenger (saw) unified rich and poor companions from different nationalities all of whom arrived at the table with an array of unique gifts all striving for a communal sense of belonging and unified sense of identity. Now more than ever it has become essential for businesses, community projects and individuals can all reawaken this sense of duty and begin again working towards a common goal for the betterment of society and preserving our common identity. The use of community to uplift one another, utilising our collective expertise and really uplift and take Muslim businesses to the next level is a key goal of Riwaya.

    Join us and lets reignite the sense of community and helping one another within business!

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